
Women in Extended Roles in the Danish Armed Forces

This article on women in the Danish Armed Forces concentrates on two main integration perspectives: The political integration, i.e. the legal basis decided by Parliament and Government for Danish women to serve as soldiers, and the organizational integration decided by the military organization consisting of four elements: A military integration, i.e. the distribution of women in either the Armed and or in the Military Forces, a horizontal integration, i.e. the distribution of women within each of the three services, a vertical distribution, i.e.

Woman in the Danish Armed Forces

I princippet åbnede Danmark op for kvindelige soldater på alle funktionsniveauer i 1962, i praksis først i 1969. Til trods herfor og til trods for et udtrykt politisk ønske om flere kvindelige soldater ligger andelen lavt på kun 5 % oveni købet med en svagt faldende terndens over de sidste år. Da der hverken kan identificeres politiske, fysiologiske eller funktionelle barriere for kvinders inklusion i de danske militære styrker peges der på organisatoriske.