Krigens sociologi

Stress and Anxiety in New Missions in Caforio, G., A Handbuch of the Sociology of the Military, (Cham: Springer 2018) p 553-578


Stress is a mental disorder, anxiety is a disease ignited by stress you cannot come to grips with. The two concepts are cause and effect. The most common and costly type of mental disorder is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. Seven “Cs” describe here PTSD: Concept, Content, Chronology, Contributors, Consequences, Coping and Costs. 



Danish Senior Officers´ Experiences from IFOR/SFOR, Bosnia 1996-1999

DANISH SENIOR OFFICERS’´ EXPERIENCES FROM IFOR/SFOR, BOSNIA 1996 - 1999 Henning Sørensen Abstract This article is part of a larger study comparing tensions between cooperating armed forces of 16 countries serving in Bosnia in IFOR/SFOR in1996 - 1999. For the Danish contingent the study was confined to the military top level, due to the simple fact that here relations between military personnel from other countries are more common than in the lower echelons. Tensions in the Danish study were pursuit at four levels:
