Reasons for and Solutions to Morale Problems as Seen by Officers From Seven Nations
Submitted by Henning on
Reasons for and Solution to Morale Problems as Seen by Officers from 7 Nations
Submitted by Henning on
Reasons for and Solution to Morale Problems as Seen by Officers from 7 Nations
Submitted by Henning on
At være officer” ved Henning Sørensen, militærsociolog, Ph.d.
Submitted by Henning on
Submitted by Henning on
Ikke-offensivt forsvar, IOF, er en antologi, der sammenfatter IOF- teorier, -erfaringer og -holdninger.
Submitted by Henning on
The book describes first the historical development and the democratic importance of the national citizen army in six countries: the US, UK, Germany, France, Sweden and Denmark. On this background the decisive role of the officer corps as an instrument of violence for the state is considered. Then the book presents 345 works (books, articles, etc.) on the military profession in the six countries with a short annotation
Submitted by Henning on
Core Values of Danish Expeditionary Soldiers
Submitted by Henning on
Forsvarets professionalisering og folkelige forankring