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Jyllandsposten, kronik. 30.04.2001 handler om forsvarschef Christian Hvidts utilstedelige og udemokratiske afstemning i EUs militærkomite mod de givne politiske instrukser


"Conscription in Scandinavia Duiring the Last Half Century: Developments and Arguments", i Armed Forces & Society, 26, no. 2, (Winter 2000)


2000 Forsvar

 This article is part of a larger study comparing tensions between cooperating armed forces of 16 countries serving in Bosnia in IFOR/SFOR in1996 - 1999. For the Danish contingent the study was confined to the military top level, due to the simple fact that here relations between military personnel from other countries are more common than in the lower echelons. Tensions in the Danish study were pursuit at four levels:
 a. In the Danish battalion in Bosnia (including soldiers from Baltic countries working with Danish soldiers and living in the Danish Camps),
 b. Military-to-Military relations, i.e. at the division level (towards the Americans), at the Brigade level (the Nordic Polish Brigade),
 c. Military-to-International (political and humanitarian, i.e. non-military) Organizations including the NGOs.
 d. Military-to-Local Civilians, i.e. towards local authorities and the local population 

2000 Forsvar

"Denmark: From Obligation to Option", s 121 - 136 i Moskos, Charles C. m.fl. (Eds.), The Post-Modern Military. Armed Forces After the Cold War, (New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press:2000), 286 s

2000 Forsvar


Project paper.

The main aim of this project has concentrated on observing the multinational cooperation between contingents sent to Bosnia, which are different in many aspects. They come from a great number of countries, with different political and military cultures.  These different cultures influence the behavior and ways of doing business, which can lead to tensions in practical cooperation on the ground in multinational military deployments. 




To conclude, the improved national security situation of the Western world, where we have neither enemies nor military threats but more combat areas around the world, has fundamentally influenced the armed forces. Today, the job of a soldier has become less violent, more varied, with the participation of more nations, for new reasons, and characterized by faster intervention.[6]




Politically, soldiers play a more active and exposed role in society than they once did because they are perceived as ambassadors for their country when deployed abroad and because their decisions may have foreign political content and consequences. Economically, the armed forces are now paid as much for their performance in low-level conflicts and humanitarian missions than they are for national defense operations. Actually, many Western European armed forces receive heavy weaponry and air/sea lift material more easily for their interventions in humanitarian missions than they do for traditional national defense missions. Militarily, Western armed forces cannot rely on combat merits only, but have to reconcile contrasting objectives: alleviation and violence, international and national presence, military and humanitarian objectives, speedy intervention and deliberate non-commitment. All this demonstrates the expansion of Western military functions. The old discussion of “guns-versus-butter” is now a “butter-for-guns” debate.






2000 Forsvar

"NATO and Its New Military Security Position", sp 74 - 79 in European Security, vol 7, o 1, Spring 1998

1998 Forsvar

Henning Sørensen & Anders Svendsen, Civil kontrol med militæret. En analyse af den danske forsvarsledelses adfærd og den manglende politiske kontrol hermed, (København: Institut for Sociologisk Forskning, 1995), Upubl. paper, 59 s


Udviklingen i forståelsen af begrebet Arbejde, Arbejdsmarked og Arbejdsmarkedspolitik beskrives og forklares fra ca. 1930 og 60 år frem tillige med et bud på arbejdsmakedet år 2010.

1993 Samfund
1992 Samfund

"Less Tobacco and Healthier Food at Work. The Case of Denmark"


Report to the EU Commission

1992 Samfund

Ikke-offensivt forsvar. En introduktion, Henning Sørensen, red., (København: Samfundslitteratur, 1990), antologi, 336 s  

1990 Forsvar

The Military Profession in Practice and Theory. With a Systematized and Annotated Bibliography, (København: Nyt fra Safundsvidenskaberne, 1982), 119 s

1982 Forsvar

Vore 43 dræbte danske soldater i Afghanistan ”kæmpede for frihed, sandhed og ret” ifølge Søren Pinds ”Opinion” i Berlingske af 17.04.2021. Men de døde på grund af en fuldstændig tåbelig ”samtænkningsstrategi” udtænkt af Søren Pinds partifælle og daværende forsvarsminister Søren Gade kort efter sin tiltræden ca. 8000 km fra slagmarken i Helmand-provinsen.




The article first presents four major areas of the Danish civil-military relations: The personnel composition of the Danish defence, its expenditures pr. capita, its organizational structure, and its participation in Defence Commissions. Changes in all four areas are pursued over the last-half century in order to find shifts in the civil-military balance. After having analysed the four trends a specific case of top military disobedience from 2001 is described. Both the trends and the case support the proposition that the civil-military balance has moved in favour of increased military influence. Their implication for the present democratic control of the armed forces in Denmark seen from an actor perspective is finally discussed finding no winner.


